Legacy - Add a New Patient to an Existing Client

Legacy - Add a New Patient to an Existing Client

Search Client

1. Search for the client name hit enter

2. If a Client has a patient and you need to add a new patient then click on the Running man icon under  "To Do" Column and select Add Patient from list.

3. If the Client does not have a Patient, you will have a link to Add Patient.


Add patient by Activating Client

Activate client by clicking on name

1. This activates the client in the dash board. Click on Client Name and add Patient

2. Alternatively you can click on Registration and Click on Add Patient to activated client name.

Enter New Patient Information

Brief about the fields in patient form

Enter the patient information.

1) Case Number - User can add multiple case number if any using comma ",".

2) Species -  User can search Species  by typing first few alphabets of  Species. The species list can be modified by going into Settings & Reports --> Settings -->Patient Masters - Species.

3) Breed - User can search breed type by typing first few alphabets of breed name. The breed list can modified by going into Settings & Reports --> Settings -->Patient Masters --> Breed.

4) Sex - Clicking on text box, system will gives you a list of available data Settings & Reports --> Settings -->Patient Masters --> Gender..

5) Color - User can search color by typing first few alphabets of color name. The Color list can modified by going into Settings & Reports --> Settings -->Patient Masters --> Color.


1. There would be few pre-selected encounters. user can select appropriate encounters from the options. This default encounters can be set from Settings & Reports --> Medical Record / Plan Item Setup --> Clinic Standard & Default Encounter. Here you can add an encounter based on species  if you set it to True it will be checked by default in the Add patient form.

2) Trainer Name and Mother Name fields are only applicable for Equine Species from drop down. If trainer name is improper or unavailable in the list, user can change name or add new trainer name by clicking on Add / Edit Trainer.

3) Choose Image - Click on Choose File, browse to folder containing the image of patient and select to open. Alternatively you can upload image of patient by sending images to  images@dxshoot.com

please refer the following help file on how to add images through dxhsoot.


4) Preferred Provider - Please select the preferred provider for the Patient. This will ensure that the selected provided will be assigned for the Client by default when an appointment is created for his patient.

To add more providers to the list please refer the following help file on how to add staff  http://vetport.screenstepslive.com/s/help_files/m/28238/l/274559-adding-or-modifying-staff

5) Enter Local Authority License number

6) Patient Alert - Information entered under the Patient Alert will show up on the dashboard as well as while creating the appointment.  This is useful as you could enter important information for the staff.

7) Click on

Add - To save patient information.

Add + Past Services - To save patient information with past services details.

Add + Vaccines WF - To save patient information and directly proceed to performing vaccine service.

Add + Add Appointment - To save patient information and creating appointment for petient.

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