Legacy - Add a test Client - Patient

Legacy - Add a test Client - Patient

1. Click on the Registration Menu.

2. Click on Add Client.

3. Click on Add Client / Patient for an Appointment. This tab allows you to direct add new client / patient while requesting for an appointment.

Adding new Client Information

1. Choose the clinic name to add patient.

2. Fill in all client details necessary for your clinic operations. Please note that fields marked in red are mandatory fields.

3. Click on Add Client.

Your New Client is created!! This will direct you to add New Patient page which is shown below.

Adding a New Patient

1. Fill in the case number if you have. (Not Mandatory)

2. Fill in the Patient Name and other mandatory details. You may also choose to insert pictures of the patient, store identification marks, etc.

3. Click on Add or any of the other 3 buttons to add New Patient. The other 3 functions help you to add other information alongwith creating a new patient.

New Test Client - Patient Created

Here we can see the Test Client - Patient is created.

1. The First Line represents the Client Details. You can see Client's name, email, accounting information, etc.

2. The Second line represents the Patient Details. You can see patient's Name, species, breed, colors, weight, EMR, etc.

3. The Third line is the SOAPing line where you can add encounters, complaints, see histrory of patient, select plan items, etc.

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