Legacy - Add Appointment Types with Color Coding
Appointment types are defined to categorize appointments according to their nature of treatment or medical procedures. For instance, a clinic can set 3 distinct Appointment types as "Out Patient", "Boarding" and "Surgery". Similarly one can define different appointment types as per the clinic requirement.
Settings and Reports>> Settings >> Clinic Hours, Equipment & Space >> Appointment Type
Configure Appointment Type
1) Add Appointment Type
2) Edit Appointment Type
Add new Appointment Type
1. To add name of new Appointment.
2. Give color code by clicking on color.
3. To add appointment note which will appear while creating an appointment
4. Set Default - If you want to set as default this appointment type for new appointments.
5. In Patient Services - Will be displayed under Appointment Schedule against discharge / admit
To edit existing Appointment Type
1. To change name of Appointment Type.
2. Change color by clicking on color box.
3. To modify Appointment notes.
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