Legacy - Batch Processing of Microchips
After a Microchip plan item has been performed, it will get in the microchip registrations queue to get registered. One will have to navigate to Microchip Registrations and select a vendor for which he needs to post the registrations as shown below.
Navigate to Batch Processing page
1) Main Menu - Registration
2) Microchip Registration
Select Vendor
1) Select Vendor
2) Click Search
Posting Microchip via Web Services
1) Select All to Process the Batch at once.
2) Select individual Patients to process the registration one at a time.
3) Once the selection is made post Microchip to the Microchip Vendor.
Vendor Response Message - Success
Vendor Response Messages - Error
1) Status message from Web Services will be posted here.
2) This status message indicated this chip has already been registered.
3) If there is an unidentified error in registration then the status will ask you to contact the service provider.
4) If the microchip number is invalid (missing digits) then the status will ask you to put in the correct microchip id#.
5) If all the details are correct and verified by the vendor then the status will indicate that the microchip registration was successful.
In case of a wrongly entered microchip id# (typo error - logically correct), the clinic will have to modify the microchip id# on the vendor's website and then update the same in VETport.
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