NextGen - Gribbles Report Receiving process

NextGen - Gribbles Report Receiving process

Once Sent TRF file to Gribbles - Go to --> Gribbles Lab Report to view and map received report

1. Click on Labs & Reports

2. Click on Gribbles Lab Reports

Mapping the Report to the appropriate medical record.

You will see the list of reports received from gribbles here.

  1. Click on the Search field on the far right to Map it to the medical record.

Select Gribbles report to map

Select the correct entry based on the Requisition ID.

Please make sure the Requisition ID selected here matched the Req Id from the previous screen.


Review report to approve

Approve Gribbles report to add in EMR

1. To display message on Bulletins

2. Check the Action Required box if this needs further action to be taken.

3. Add your message in the message box.

4. Click on "Approve and Go To Record"

Now you can see report in EMR

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