Legacy - How to Map Plan item to Bin and Location ( Plan items and bin relationship)

Legacy - How to Map Plan item to Bin and Location ( Plan items and bin relationship)

Establish where the Plan items are kept. i.e which Bin and location.

Create the Plan Item & Bin relationship, clinic wise.

Relate Plan item to Bin

By Default all the Plan items are listed.

1. Search single or group of Plan items

2. Search Plan items in alphabetical order (A-Z)

3. List of Plan items with the current Bin details.

For adding New Plan Item to Bin and Location

1.Search the plan item which you want to relate with bin and location

2. After fill all details click on modify

Here you define Plan item relationship to Bin across multiple Clinic/Department/Service

Modifying an existing Plan Item to Bin relationship

1. Search existing plan item

2.click on modify button

1. The selected Plan item which has the Bin Relationship

2. Plan item relationship to Bin across multiple Clinic/Department/Service


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