Legacy - How to setup Library

Legacy - How to setup Library

Step:1 How to create a document in the clinic Library



1:Select the library type.
2:What title you want to give your library.
3:Here you can write your library content.
4:you can use tag tool to personalize the document.
5:if you want to attach any image then you have to browse the file from here and then click on upload.
After you upload the image, th url that is displayed here is then copied to the image link so that the image is displayed at the location where our cursor was when the image icon was clicked
6:If you want to write the author name you do from here.
7:if you want to attach some document / Image / Pdf e.t.c for the reference. then you can attach from here. This document will go as an attachment when the communication plan item is sent to the client


Please do not cut / paste document. Preferably retype the data into the HTML editor

Step: 4

1: Browse the Image.
2: Once you browse the Image Click on Upload.
3: select the area on Html editor where you want to paste the image.
4: then Click here on insert picture.
5: Copy the path
6: paste the image URL here.
7: if you want some alternate text on that image enter here.
8: Insert image


1:Search your document by Title or Article.
2: Click on Add as communication to map your document with plan item.


1:When you click on plan category one dialog box will open in that you have to select the category. basically when your selecting a category means you are mapping your document with this category .
2:Then you have to select the sub category.
3: then finally Save here you have map your document with this Communication / Education plan category now when you create plan item.

So when you give these plan to any patient then education document will get saved as attachment in Medical record and in plan performed

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