Legacy - How Where can I change the Provider ?

Legacy - How Where can I change the Provider ?

Understanding the Basic between difference Provider and User

1- The Persone is the current Provider.Provider is the Doctor / Clinician

2- The persone who is current User. User is the person who is entering the Details

Going to the List of Available Providers

If Required to change the provider one can select from the given list

Assigning Individual Providers to Individual Plans

Where there are multiple plans for a single patient we can assign individual Providers to Individual Plans

Assigning Individual Providers to Plans

Here you can change / Assign Individual Providers for the particular plans.

By Default it would be on the Main Provider Selected above

Clicking on Save it Saves the Plan and Moves to Next Page

Multiple Options to change he Providers while Creating the Cart

This Screen again gives you an option to either can assign / change to single provider through the above click or can assign / change providers onto individual plan

Changing The Default Provider / SOAP Editable Time Settings

There is a time limit for SOAP to be edited upto a particular time in Setting & Reports-->Settings-->Organaizational Details & Other Settings-->Clinic Details-->Clinic Record

Check for SOAP can be edited upto option under Default Clinic Settings

Note :- Once This Time has completed the SOAP cannot be edited or Modified.

Default Settings For Provider and Users

Go to Default Setting From Settings & Reports-->Settings-->Personnel - Access Rights & their Scheduling-->Staff--> Click on [Edit] for Staff to be Edited.

Here you can Select Display as Provider as Yes if you are the Default Provider or Choose the Default other Provider from the listbox