Legacy - If the Client is not in the database - Add Full Client Information

Legacy - If the Client is not in the database - Add Full Client Information

In case where the client is not in the system you can add the client information

Alternate way to Add new client.

Click on Registration >> Add Client

Adding Client details


Fill general details in Client Form.

Red highlighted fields are mandatory and cannot be blank.

Selecting Clinic/Referral Clinic

Your Clinics / Referring Clinics : Select the clinic the client needs to be added for OR select the Referring clinic from the drop down.

If the referring clinic is not on the list you can add a referring clinic by clicking on the link "Add New Referring Clinic". Please refer the following help file to see how to add a referring clinic http://vetport.screenstepslive.com/s/help_files/m/16449/l/75225-add-a-referral-clinic-and-referral-vet-to-the-client-patient-record

Select you clinic location from the list.

If the location is not on the list you can add it to the masters. To see how to add locations please refer the following help file http://vetport.screenstepslive.com/s/help_files/m/28238/l/274549-mobile-clinic-setup


Select the Title for the Contact.

If you need more titles to be added to the drop down you can add it to the master table. Refer the following help file to add the Title to the drop down list.


How to avoid adding duplicate clients in the system

Enter Personal and Address details.

1. Last Name - If client already exists in the system then system will pop up list of duplicate clients or with same first name and last name.

2. Check the box to set the Mobile Number as the Home Phone Number

3. Check this box if client has authorized to receive Text/SMS Message. (Default option is checked)

4. Zip Code - After adding a Zip Code system will add City and State automatically, and if not then user can add it manually.


1. Client declines to give email - Check the box if client does not want to share Email ID. Client dashboard will show that the client has declined to give email.(This will ensure that the staff does not ask for email address again)

2. Generate Internal Email - Check this box if you want a dummy e-mail address to be created for the client.

3. Send Emails of - By Default Reminders, Statements, Marketing are checked, if the client does not wish to receive these alerts then check Suspend Reminder.

1. How did you hear about us? Please choose an appropriate option under how did you hear about us. This is a set as a mandatory field by default.

Note: You can add more items to the drop down list and also make this field a non mandatory field if needed. Please refer the following help files for the same

How to add more options to "How did you hear about us?"  http://vetport.screenstepslive.com/s/help_files/m/16449/l/134514-how-did-you-hear-about-us


How to set this filed as a non mandatory field. -  Go to Settings & Reports --> Organization Details & Other Settings --> All Parameters Setup --> General Setup -->

Untick "When adding a new Client ask for "How did you hear about us"


2. Preferred Provider: Please select the preferred provider for the Patient. This will ensure that the selected provided will be assigned for the Client by default when an appointment is created for his patient.

To add more providers to the list please refer the following help file on how to add staff  http://vetport.screenstepslive.com/s/help_files/m/28238/l/274559-adding-or-modifying-staff

3. Status: Select the Client Status as Active / Inactive / Potential

Active : Implies that the client status is active he is live in system.

Inactive: Implies that the client is Inactive in System. If the client is not regular or If you want to make that client Inactive then you could edit the client anytime to change it to inactive.

Potential: You are only adding the client details in the database and there is a possibility he/she could become an active client for you.

Client Alerts: Information entered under the Client Alert will show up on the dashboard as well as while creating the appointment.  This is useful as you could enter important information for the staff  Example: You want flag a client for bad credit you can add a client alert.

Client Notes: Information entered here will show up only in the client file. Client notes can be used to enter general information about the client which does not necessarily requires action on part of the staff.

Send Welcome Emails and Login Details to Client:  Checking this box will send a Welcome e-mail with the login credentials to the client . The default setting is unchecked.

To change the default setting Go to Settings & Reports --> Organization Details & Other Settings --> All Parameters Setup --> Email Miscellaneous Setup -->

Tick Keep checked the "Send Welcome Email and Login Details to Client" checkbox by Default on Client Add screen.

Once all the information is entered. Click Add Client to save the information and proceed to adding a patient.

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