Next Gen - Inventory Set up

Next Gen - Inventory Set up


Go to Setup >> Organization >> Clinics >> Settings. (The gear Icon shown below)

Under Inventory Settings, you will have the option to update the information shown below.


1 > Inventory : Will help you enable and disable the inventory. 

2> Inventory Basket Setup
a> Setup new Inventory Basket : This will help you create new baskets when you are setting up Inventory for your clinic.
b> Use existing Clinic Inventory Baskets: This will help you to use the existing inventory baskets. (Used if you have a multi clinic setup on VETport)

3> Choose default stock by
a> FIFO : Stocks will be consumed by the First in First out method from your Inventory Items..
b> Expiration Date : Stock will be consumed according to the expiration date of the Inventory items.

4> Collect tax while receiving stock: This is to collect tax while receiving stock. (For clinics in Asia Region)

5> Edit Manufacturer: Give you the ability to edit/update the manufacturer that are already added.
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