Integrate online booking app from Market Place:
Step 1: Go to "Set up"
Step 2: Select "Market Place"
Step 3: Select "Online Appointment Booking"
Step 4: Click on "Integrate"
Step 5: Please update the emergency contact number
Step 6: You can share this online booking url to your clients
Link : (Note: This link would be change based on the clinic's url)
this is just a test link.
Step 7: If this service is not required, you can click on "Remove App".
Step 1: Use this link , which would take you to the bellow screen.
Step 2: Please select the clinic that you would like to visit.
Step 3: Select your preferred provider, for example : Dr. RN Annie
Step 4: Select the day of visit (appointment date)
Step 5: Please select the slot that you prefer and it you give you an option to confirm.
Step 6: Please enter your email ID so that you get your information
Step 7: If you are not a registered client, after entering your email from the above step it would give you the below page which has to filled.
Step 8: Once completed with "step 6" it would take you the below screen and if you want to add more pets, please select "Add New Pet".
After this it would take you to "Confirm The Booking Details". Here you got to update the reason for visit.
Step 9: Once confirmed you would would be taken to a page to reconfirm the details entered and then if you see all the details updated then you can click on "Done".
Note: Once completed, a copy of this appointment details would emails across to the client, well as for the clinic (but to get this email clinic, has to signed up with the SMS services, so they would receive an email as well).