Next Gen - OTC (Over the Counter)

Next Gen - OTC (Over the Counter)

Over View of OTC :

  1. OTC :  Select Icon to come to OTC page
  2. Plan :  Help's you create a plan Item
  3. Invoice List:  Gives you the invoice list
  4. Prescription: This gives you the encounter you had performed
  5. Certificate: This is helps you get the certificate list given out from your clinic
  6. Accounting: Give's you the over all sales made using OTC

How to create a plan on OTC page ?

Step 1: Select plan Item or Group plan item as per requirement. Once it’s added under plan items

Step 2: Select the "Check Box" to proceed with the plan item and also you have an option to "Decline Item"or check the "Details" of the plan item

Step 3: Select the Provider

Step 4: You can now perform and invoice / add to cart

Step 5: You would get pop up asking you to fill Client Name / Patient Name & Species this three fields are mandatory and has to be filled.

Step 6:  You would get an alert pop up message “You are bypassing the Cart”. You have to select “Yes” so that you can proceed to the next step or “No” if you want to cancel it.  (NOTE: Once you selected Yes, it would take you to the Invoice page)

OTC Invoice over view:

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