Next Gen - Staff list - Edit staff details.

Next Gen - Staff list - Edit staff details.

Navigation : 

Go to Setup >> Organization >> Staff list.

This will give you the list of staff updated on VETport.

A : If you have deactivated any staff members before and wish to find out the list, please click on Inactive Staff
: If you wish to Add a new Staff member to the clinic, please click on Add Staff

Please make changes to a staff member with the information provided below.

1: Edit - This will help you with updating the staff details, Such as - Name, phone, email, address, Licence Number, Doctor's signature.

2: Status - This will help you with deactivating a staff member.

3: Assign to multi-clinic & Schedule
This option will help you with assigning a staff member to multi clinic (If you have a Multi clinic setup on VETport)
You can edit or create Schedules for Staff members.

Click on Add Schedule to create a schedule and when you do so, if you wish to assign the staff to another clinic, please select the name of the clinic and create schedule accordingly.
Under Action you will have the option to edit an existing schedule.

4: Commission Rate
This option is only Applicable for the Doctors/Providers - this will help them to get a percentage of Commission on a Plan category updated under Commission rate.

Please click on Add new, select a plan category for which the doctor/provider should get a commission on and add a percentage.
Click on Red X to remove a plan category and the doctor will no longer get a commission on that plan category.

5: Multiple Logins 

Add UserID : This will help you create a new Login credentials for an existing staff member. 

A: Edit User Details: This will help update the user group of the staff member (Increasing and decreasing the access levels) and also the default landing page when a user signs in.
B: Reset Password Link : This will help you with resetting the password.
C: Make a staff member VPAdmin : this will give complete access to VETport.

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