Next Gen - Over view on Reference Labs (Labs & Reports)

Next Gen - Over view on Reference Labs (Labs & Reports)

Reference Labs: 

This page would give you the access to the below labs.

1: Antech

2: Idexx

3: Gribbles Lab

4: VetRocket


1: Antech

This is the reference lab and all the reports which are performed for antech will show up here. All you have to do is click on Antech and bellow are the options.

A) Download Now : 

B) Reprint/Combine Test Request Forms: 

C) Partial Reports

D) Approved Reports 

E) Deleted Reports. 

F) "Action" This option is used to Link the Req Id to the correct Patient.


2: Idexx

This is the reference lab and all the reports which are performed for Idexx will show up here. All you have to do is click on Antech and bellow are the options.

A) Download Now : 

B) Reprint/Combine Test Request Forms: 

C) Partial Reports

D) Approved Reports 

E) Deleted Reports. 

F) "Action" This option is used to Link the Req Id to the correct Patient.


3: Gribbles Lab

This option will help you get the final review report for Gribbles and the option you have for this is "Approved Reports" and Deleted Reports. 


4: VetRocket

All reports performed for Vet Rocket will show up here and you can use the bellow options. 

A) Approved Reports 

B) Deleted Reports. 

C) "Action" This option is used to Link the Req Id to the correct Patient.


Note: All of the above Lab reports will differ from clinic to clinic.
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