Adding Appointment Type:
Step 1: Go to Preference
Step 2: Click on Appointment Type
Step 3: Enter the type of appointment you would require
Step 4: Set the colour preferences as per you requirement
Step 5: If you would like to add a note to the appointment, that can be entered here and save
Step 6: Click on Action and you be directed to "Modify Appointment Status"
Step 7: you can use this option to edit your current appointment type and make it "Active or Inactive" and save
Reason for visit
Step 1: Go to Preference
Step 2: Click on "Reason for Visit"
Step 3: To add a new "Reason for Visit", please click on the "ADD" option as shown in the below image.
Step 4: If you want to make changes to your current reason for visit. Click on "Action" which give a new pop up "Modify"
Step 5: Here you can change the name of the "Reason of Visit", update the duration of the visit and also leave a note & Save.