Next Gen - How to integrate Reference Lab (Idexx)

Next Gen - How to integrate Reference Lab (Idexx)

Under this page, you will have the list of reports that are sent over by Idexx Reference Labs.

1>> Download now - This will help you download any reports that are completed from Idexx.
2>> Review Final reports - This will give you the option to get a list of all the final reports that needs a review before approving it.
3>> Posted reports - This will give you a list of all the reports that are already posted to the Patient's EMR.
4>> Partial Reports - Will help you see the reports which are partially completed by Idexx.
5>> Deleted Reports - Will help you get a list of reports that are deleted.
6>> Approved Reports - Will help you get a list of all the reports that are already approved to the Patient's EMR.
7>> Map Requisition - You will have the option to map the requisitions manually.
8>> View and Approve reports - You will have the option approve and attach the reports to the patient files which are completed from Antech.

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