NextGen - Smartflow integration process

NextGen - Smartflow integration process

Patient Workflow with VETport supports seamless communication, automatic patient boarding, and streamlining patient documentation.

Step 1>> To integrate Smartflow with VETport, please go to Set up >> Marketplace >> Click on Smart Flow icon as shown below.

Step 2>> On the configuration page, you will find the below options to be filled.

ClinicApiKey : This key clinic should request smartflow
EmrApiKey : This key you will find it under the settings page Of SmartFlow, Go To Settings >> EMR >> API KEY
Smartflow Timezone : VETport will automatically capture timezone
Templates : Choose from the drop down

Step 3>> Now let's board a pet on VETport !! . by going to the boarding calendar as shown below 

Step 4>> Go to Boarding calendar and click on the boarded pet details and you will find a Smartflow icon as shown below 

You can click on Admit option from VETport, this will change the status to Admit for the specifc patient on Smartflow as well

Step 5>> Once you click on Smartlow icon, it will direct you to the Smartflow page on the specific patient that has been boarded on VETport, as shown below.

Step 6>> Once you are on the Smartflow page , you can add notes to the boarded pet and it will automatically sync up on VETport's EMR as shown below 

You can see the Notes entered on Smartflow appearing on the EMR on VETport. as shown below.

Step 7>> You can also add medications (Plan items) from Smartflow page, it will be on the plan active page on VETport as shown below 

Step 8>> Once the Boarding is completed, and when you want to discharge the Pet, you can discharge the pet from Smartflow as shown below

Step 9>> After the Pet is discharged from Smartflow, you find 4 PDF files from Smartflow on VEport as shown below 

Below are the points to be noted, when Smartflow is integrated with VETport

>> You can create patient in Smart Flow from VETport
>> Notes taken in Smart Flow will sync to the medical record of VETport
>>Notes updated/deleted in Smart Flow will be updated/deleted in VETport
>>VETport personnel data will sync to Smart Flow
>>Patient admitted into Smart Flow will automatically show up when logged into VETport
>>Patient vitals recorded in Smart Flow will sync to dedicated area in VETport
>>Ability to specify colour when creating patient
>>Ability to specify cage number when creating patient
>>Patients status (friendly, agressive, etc.) syncs with Smart Flow
>>VETport will automatically attach flowsheet report
>>VETport will automatically attach medical records report
>>VETport will automatically attach billing report
>>VETport will automatically attach notes report
>>VETport will automatically attach anesthetic sheet report
>>VETport will automatically attach anesthetic records report
>>Once finalized the anesthetic reports attach instantly inside VETport
>>VETport automatically attach Smart Flow forms
>>Images/videos attach in VETport from Smart Flow treatments
>>Patient photo taken in Smart Flow can be attached in VETport
>>VETport inventory syncs with Smart Flow
>>It Updates Smart Flow inventory items when plan items are updated in VETport
>>Delete inventory items from Smart Flow when these items are deleted in VETport
>>When billable items are executed within Smart Flow they transfer to the plan item active page on VETport
>>Delete items from invoice in VETport when these performed items are deleted in Smart Flow
>>If treatments have billing turned on/off in Smart Flow it will be reflected in VETport
>>Quantity/volume changes in Smart Flow will be reflected in VETport

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