Tag tool for VETport

Tag tool for VETport

List of all unique Tool Tags for use in VETport email template

This are all unique tag list which can be used in any email template.


$$clinicadd$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - will be replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - will be replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - will be replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - will be replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - will be replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - will be replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - will be replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - will be replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$Reminder$$ - replaced by patient reminders

$$guradian$$ - will be replaced by Guardian / Spouse

$$appointment$$ - replaced by Date and Time of Appointment

$$appointmentcomplaints$$ - replaced by Appointment Complaint and Discussion

$$doctors$$ - replaced by Doctor(s) that the appointment was made for

$$appointmentnotes$$ - Replaced by appointment notes that can be added/edited from Settings and Reports >>> Settings >>> Clinic Hours, Equipments and Space >>> Appointment Type

$$appointconfirm$$ - replaced by appointment confirm link

$$balancedue$$ - replaced by Balance Due

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Home Phone

$$clientcellphone$$ - replaced by Client Cell Phone

$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$clientaddress$$ - replaced by Client address

$$provider$$ - Current Logged in Provider / Doctor

$$reservation$$ - replaced by reservation details of the patient

$$clientlastactivity$$ - replaced by the Client Last Activity Date

$$patientlastactivity$$ - replaced by Patient Last Activity Date

$$referralfirstname$$ - replaced by Referral First Name

$$referrallastname$$ - replaced by Referral Last Name

$$clinicaddress$$ - replaced by Clinic Address

$$labmessage$$ - Interpretation, message typed while saving lab report

$$supportingdocuments$$ - Documents / Images attached with lab reports

$$species$$ - replaced by Patient Species

$$breed$$ - replaced by Patient Breed

$$color$$ - replaced by Patient Color

$$sex$$ - replaced by Patient Sex

$$age$$ - replaced by Patient Age

$$weight$$ - replaced by Patient Weight

$$clientname$$ - replaced by Client Name

$$clinician$$ - replaced by Clinician

$$referringclinicaddress$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic Address

$$refferingclinicphone$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic phone

$$refferingclinicfax$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic Fax no

$$currentdate$$ - replaced by Current Date

$$clinicmessage$$ - replaced by Query / Reply posted by Clinic Staff / Doctor

$$emrpdf$$ - Link to download EMR in PDF format

$$emrhtml$$ - Link to download EMR in HTML format

$$emrzip$$ - Link to download EMR as a ZIP file along with all supporting documents

$$rabiestag$$ - replaced by Patient Rabies Tag

$$patientdetails$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of all selected patient

$$patientdetailscanine$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of only selected canine patient

$$patientdetailsfeline$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of only selected feline patient

$$esign$$ - eSign [A box for client signature or initial will be shown], depending on the setting done on All Parameter page (Allow Client Initial, instead of ESign)

$$checkbox1$$ - replaced by HTML First Check Box Control

$$checkbox2$$ - replaced by HTML Second Check Box Control

$$checkbox3$$ - replaced by HTML Third Check Box Control


Welcome Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - will be replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - will be replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - will be replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - will be replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - will be replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - will be replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - will be replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - will be replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Reminder Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientphoto$$ - replaced by Patient Photo

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$Reminder$$ - replaced by patient reminders

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Marketing Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$guradian$$ - will be replaced by Guardian / Spouse

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Appointment Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$appointment$$ - replaced by Date and Time of Appointment

$$appointmentcomplaints$$ - replaced by Appointment Complaint and Discussion

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$doctors$$ - replaced by Doctor(s) that the appointment was made for

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$appointmentnotes$$ - Replaced by appointment notes that can be added/edited from Settings and Reports >>> Settings >>> Clinic Hours, Equipments and Space >>> Appointment Type

$$appointconfirm$$ - replaced by appointment confirm link

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Invoice Estimate & Statement Covering Letter - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - will be replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$balancedue$$ - replaced by Balance Due

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Home Phone

$$clientcellphone$$ - replaced by Client Cell Phone


Report Card Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clientaddress$$ - replaced by Client address

$$provider$$ - Current Logged in Provider / Doctor

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Reservation Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$reservation$$ - replaced by reservation details of the patient

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Receipt Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Rabies, Vaccine, Boarding Certificate email- Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic address

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$appointment$$ - replaced by Date and Time of Appointment

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$reservation$$ - replaced by reservation details of the patient

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Homephone

$$clientlastactivity$$ - replaced by the Client Last Activity Date

$$patientlastactivity$$ - replaced by Patient Last Activity Date

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Thank You Email to Referral Clients/Doctors/Others - Tags

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First Name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last Name

$$referralfirstname$$ - replaced by Referral First Name

$$referrallastname$$ - replaced by Referral Last Name

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic Name

$$clinicaddress$$ - replaced by Clinic Address


Library Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)


Lab Reports Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$labmessage$$ - Interpretation, message typed while saving lab report

$$supportingdocuments$$ - Documents / Images attached with lab reports


Client Query/Reply Email - Tags

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient Name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patient ID

$$species$$ - replaced by Patient Species

$$breed$$ - replaced by Patient Breed

$$color$$ - replaced by Patient Color

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$sex$$ - replaced by Patient Sex

$$age$$ - replaced by Patient Age

$$weight$$ - replaced by Patient Weight

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Client ID

$$clientname$$ - replaced by Client Name

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Home Phone

$$clientcellphone$$ - replaced by Client Cell Phone

$$email$$ - replaced by Client EmailId

$$clinician$$ - replaced by Clinician

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic Name

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by the Clinic Phone

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Website

$$referringdoctor$$ - replaced by Referral Doctor

$$referringclinic$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic

$$referringclinicaddress$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic Address

$$refferingclinicphone$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic phone

$$refferingclinicfax$$ - replaced by Referral Clinic Fax no

$$currentdate$$ - replaced by Current Date

$$clinicmessage$$ - replaced by Query / Reply posted by Clinic Staff / Doctor


Discharge Reports Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$amount$$ - replaced by Cost of Patient Online Access

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Electronic Medical Record Email - Tags

$$emrpdf$$ - Link to download EMR in PDF format

$$emrhtml$$ - Link to download EMR in HTML format

$$emrzip$$ - Link to download EMR as a ZIP file along with all supporting documents

$$clinicadd$$ - will be replaced by clinic address

$$firstname$$ - will be replaced by Client First Name

$$lastname$$ - will be replaced by Client Last Name

$$clientid$$ - will be replaced by Client Id

$$email$$ - will be replaced by Client Email-Id

$$patient$$ - will be replaced by Patient Name

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$patientid$$ - will be replaced by Patient Id

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name


Birthday Email - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - will be replaced by clinic address

$$firstname$$ - will be replaced by Client First Name

$$lastname$$ - will be replaced by Client Last Name

$$clientid$$ - will be replaced by Client Id

$$email$$ - will be replaced by Client Email-Id

$$patient$$ - will be replaced by Patient Name

$$patientid$$ - will be replaced by Patient Id

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$zipcode$$ - will be replaced by Zip Code defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$patientphoto$$ - will be replaced by Patient Photo defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)


Client/Patient Data Sheet Content - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic address

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Homephone

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$rabiestag$$ - replaced by Patient Rabies Tag

$$microchip$$ - replaced by Patient MicroChip

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details


Neuter Certificate - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic address

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Homephone

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$rabiestag$$ - replaced by Patient Rabies Tag

$$microchip$$ - replaced by Patient MicroChip

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details


Disclaimer on Estimates Format - Tags

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$patient$$ - replaced by Patient name

$$patientid$$ - replaced by Patientid

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$amount$$ - replaced by Highest Estimate Amount

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$referringclinic$$ - will be replaced by Referral Clinic Name

$$referringdoctor$$ - will be replaced by Referral Doctor Name

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Home Phone

$$clientcellphone$$ - replaced by Client Cell Phone


Authorization Form - Tags

$$patientdetails$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of all selected patient

$$patientdetailscanine$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of only selected canine patient

$$microchip$$ - will be replaced by Microchip ID defined in Clinic Record.

$$patientdetailsfeline$$ - Name, Species, Breed, Color, Sex of only selected feline patient

$$esign$$ - eSign [A box for client signature or initial will be shown], depending on the setting done on All Parameter page (Allow Client Initial, instead of ESign)

$$currentdate$$ - replaced by Current Date

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic address

$$firstname$$ - replaced by Client First name

$$lastname$$ - replaced by Client Last name

$$clientid$$ - replaced by Clientid

$$email$$ - replaced by Client E-mailId

$$clinicphone$$ - replaced by Clinic Phone #

$$clinicfax$$ - replaced by Clinic Fax #

$$clinicemail$$ - will be replaced by Clinic Reply To Email & if not present then Clinic email address

$$clinicname$$ - replaced by Clinic name

$$url$$ - replaced by website url and port number

$$clinicwebsite$$ - replaced by Clinic Domain name defined in Clinic Record (if applicable)

$$clinicadd$$ - replaced by Clinic Name & Address

$$cliniccontactinfo$$ - replaced by the Clinic contact details

$$clienthomephone$$ - replaced by Client Homephone

$$checkbox1$$ - replaced by HTML First Check Box Control

$$checkbox2$$ - replaced by HTML Second Check Box Control

$$checkbox3$$ - replaced by HTML Third Check Box Control


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