Any FTP client can be used to retrieve you data but you can download Filezilla for free:
Download Filezilla click on link:
Steps 1 - 4 will have been sent by email with ftp login credentials:
1 - host:
2 - Username: **********
3 - Password: **********
4 - Port Number: ********** Needed for FileZilla but not for some of the other FTP clients
Step 6 Create a folder in your computer to download the data to e.g "Data Export" folder name.
Step 7 Click on the file on the screen and find the folder you created. Then drag each of the two file,(medical_record & tables) into the folder
NOTE: Do you have enough room on your computer? Data Sets can be many gigabytes.
NOTE: Depending on the size of the clinic it may take a few minutes to hours to download your date. Please have a fast connection when performing this task.
Any FTP client can be used to retrieve you data but you can download FileZilla for free:
Download FileZilla click on link:
The medical records will be in a folder "medical_records" by client record number. To get the client record number go to your Data Export file and click on tables, then open the client table in Excel.
Step 9 find the client record number you are looking for: e.g. 27.
Step 10 Open the medical_records file. This will open a list of client files.
Within the client folder will be folders for one or more of the client's patients. Within each patient folder are the XML version of the medical record, and all attachments.