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SES Verification & VETmail REQUIRED 1st Log in
What is VETmail? VETmail is the mail server used by VETport to send and receive emails to clients of a veterinary clinic. VETmail works in association with Amazon SES service which delivers the emails to the end users(Pet Owners/Clients). Why SES ...
VETport Account Setup - First Login
1. Visit VETport Instance URL on your browser This will take you to your VETport Account 2. Enter your Username & Password Click on forget password if you are not remembering your passowrd 3. (OPTIONAL) If a popup like this comes up, then save your ...
Getting Started with VETport - Creating VETport Account - Signup/Registration REQUIRED
1. Go to https://www.vetport.com/#signup 2. Enter your (preferably clinic's) email address and click on Free Trial VETport Registration - Enter Email Address 3. You will be taken to a screen where you need to submit a 6-digit verification code. 4. ...