Next Generation - Jotobot
JOTOBOT Integration with VETport This section introduces how to create a keyword to describe the VetPort Application. The user can add all the keywords they wish to use as text in the application. For example - Default notes for Dental Surgery can be ...
NextGen - Keywords and its descriptions
Adding Keywords will replace with the actual information. For example - $$clientfirstname$$ $$clientlastname$$ - You would be sending a lot of emails on a daily basis and it is impossible to edit each email content and add the Client first name and ...
NextGen - Formulary set up and adding anesthesia forms
Step 1 >> Go to Preferences and click on Formulary as shown below Step 2 >> Click on Generic and Choose the ones which is required from the list as shown below Step >> 3 Select the option species and see if all the required species are available ...
NextGen - Petlink eMicrochip registration process
Step 1 - >> Go to https://www.petlink.net/account/register-vet-practice/ Step 2 >> Complete the registration process. Step 3 >> Contact VETport Support with email address and password registered with Petlink. Step 4 >> On VETport >> Go to Set up >> ...
NextGen - Accoutning Descriptions
1, Go to Cleint and Patient dashboard and click on Accounting as shown below Accounting in VETport as different options, Take a look at it one by one 1, ACCEPT PAYMENT: This will help you to accept payment against the pending invoices Once you click ...
Download Teamviewer Software - Very Important.
We need you to download Teamviewer software on every machine at your practice. This is important as no support can be done without that. This software helps us see your desktop remotely and also allows you to see ours. Please note that this is ...
Next Gen - Over view on Dashboard
Dash Board: This would be your main page when you login to your Vetport application. In here you would find the below options. 1: Bulletin & Messages: all the bulletin and messages will be shown here. 2: Check out: Give the list of clients who have ...
Next Gen - Over view on communication
Communication: This option would help the clinic to have a track on what is going on with in the clinic. You can share any message using the bulletin and also chat with your staffs using the Messages. ...